Scottish Chamber Orchestra Work Experience Opportunity

Get involved with the SCO in 2013/14

Work Experience Opportunities Over 16 and interested in a career in music?

Join the Scottish Chamber Orchestra for a week to experience the life of an orchestra from the inside.

What’s involved?
You will have the opportunity to spend time with all the departments of the SCO administration and attend rehearsals and concerts where possible.

The SCO offers two placements that each last one week. If you are successful, you will be based at the Scottish Chamber Orchestra offices in Edinburgh.

Week 1 Week beginning 14 October 2013 
Week 2 Week beginning 25 November 2013

How do I apply? 
Complete the application form and return by Friday 6 September
Find out more
“I can’t say enough how grateful I am to everyone who has given me this opportunity. I’ve learned a massive amount! I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to come here and experience what I have.” 2012 Work Experience Student
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