Guitar and Upper String lesson changes

All pupils should check their instrumental timetables
to ensure they attend their lessons. 
Lessons have resumed this week.

Please note:

The guitar groupings have been changed into level specific groups.
ALL GUITARISTS MUST ensure they check which letter they have been allocated to ensure they attend the correct lesson.
 The list of groupings is posted outside the Music Staff Base and the Guitar Room B13.

Upper Strings: Violin and Viola
Dr. Fraser will be in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays during this term. All pupils who previously received lessons on Tuesdays will now have lessons on Wednesday. Please check the timetables outside the music staff base and B20.

Ensemble rehearsals will resume in June 2015
8th and 15th June:
Junior Wind Band - lunchtime in B3
Senior Wind Band - after school in B3
9th and 16th June:
Junior Strings - after school in B3
Senior Strings - after school in B1
Clarsach Ensemble
11th and 18th June:
Guitar Ensemble - after school in B3


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