Raw: 27th - 28th August 2016 - Edinburgh International Festival

The  Edinburgh International Festival works with schools all year round as well as during the Festival, and in 2016 they are delighted to present Raw by Belgian-based company Kabinet K on 27 and 28 August.

Raw is dynamic dance theatre, made by children, for children, and for adults.

Belgian dance company Kabinet K place children right at the centre of their powerful, high-energy dance-theatre work, looking unflinchingly at the world through a child’s eyes, and harnessing their young performers’ non-professional naturalism and instinctive charisma. With powerful soundscapes of live electric guitar music, Raw is a wordless show that challenges our preconceptions of children, their strength and resilience, with a sense of innocent wonder never far away.

A gang of seven children, aged 8 to 12, inhabit a rubble-strewn landscape of stones, tin cans, dripping water and a dirty mattress. Standing strong against what seems to be a constant, invisible threat, they play together, their adventures morphing into a fierce kind of dance, at once brutal and tender. They are powerful but also vulnerable, masters of their actions but equally yearning for attention and affection. Two adults – a young man and an older woman – seem at first like invaders in this children’s world, but grow to become companions.

School tickets are on offer for this production, and the performance is recommended for 14-16 year olds who would enormously enjoy seeing Raw.

If you are interested in seeing this production please get in touch with Lucy Deere at lucy.deere@eif.co.uk or on 0131 473 2076 to arrange tickets.


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